Chef's kiss. Thank you for sharing.

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AnonymousJul 10, 2022Liked by Rory Johnston


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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Rory Johnston

Good stuff!

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AnonymousJul 7, 2022Liked by Rory Johnston


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Great work! Thanks for the insights from your analysis.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Rory Johnston

Excellent work! Thanks for sharing it!

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Rory Johnston

Marvelous work as always!

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So we now pay the rest of the world 2-3 times more for oil and accelerate entry into green energy at its most expensive time while China profits tremendously from our purchases of renewable energy goods while delaying their entry to a future time when costs should be tremendously cheaper. We need to drill and raise gas guzzler taxes.

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My friend, great work, but one BIG background reason for the chill I'd expected:

Does anyone think the Saudi's can not influence short term prices? (Not me!)

We Biden goes to meet Saudi's (& MBS as low ley as possible) & some OPEC related types IT IS IN EVERYONE'S (SHORT TERM) INTEREST TO LOOK LIKE THE TRIP HAS AN AFFECT. None of this would happen otherwise. Preplanning requires all the backdoor promises, items, you name it since this is so coerced to even happen so they'll let it look "win-win" - THEN it'll be back to the fundamentals in a few weeks, and after some of the key summer driving season has cooled a good bit.

Then, resume rally IMO.

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I can’t prove it but - ever heard of the plunge protection team in stocks? I wonder if the same crew is doing what all the powers that be (especially the Fed) want but can’t do: get oil prices lower. Paging PPT. Urgent call from the NY Fed on line 1 ...

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